Das FIW in Kooperation mit der Universität Wien, wiiw, European Research Council, Heinrich Graf Hardeggsche Stiftung und VGSE laden Sie herzlich zur dritten Ausgabe des W.I.E.N. - Workshop on international economic Networks ein.

Der Workshop findet online über die Zoom-Plattform statt. Der Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt.

Bei Interesse an der Teilnahme, bitten wir Sie, sich per Mail an anzumelden.


December 15th

16:00 – 16:10           Opening

16:10 – 17:00            Keynote #1: Peter K. Schott (Yale): “Colocation of Production and Innovation: Evidence from the United States” (with Teresa Fort, Wolfgang Keller, and Stephen Yeaple)

17:00 – 17:15           Break

17:15 – 17:50            Monica Morlacco (USC) “Two-Sided Market Power in Firm-to-Firm Trade” (with Vanessa Alviarez, Michele Fioretti, and Ken Kikkawa)

17:50 – 18:25            Diana Van Patten (Princeton) “Multinationals, Monopsony and Local Development: Evidence from the United Fruit Company” (with Esteban Méndez-Chacón)

18:25 – 18:40           Break

18:40 – 19:15            Miklós Koren (CEU) “Foreign Owners and Expatriate Managers: Effects on Firm Performance” (with Álmos Telegdy)

19:15 – 19:50            Frank Pisch (Senkt Gallen)Managing Global Production: Theory and Evidence from Just-in-Time Supply Chains”

19:50 – …                 Informal meetings/drinks

December 16th

15:00 – 15:50            Keynote #2: Jaume Ventura (CREI, UPF) “Borders within Europe” (with Marta Santamaría and Ugur Yesilbayraktar)

15:50 – 16:25            Thomas Sampson (LSE) “Technology Transfer in Global Value Chains”

16:25 – 16:40           Break

16:40 – 17:15            Isabela Manelici (Princeton) “The Effects of Joining Multinational Supply Chains: New Evidence from Firm-to-Firm Linkages” (with Alonso Alfaro-Ureña and José P. Vasquez)

17:15 – 17:50           Aksel Erbahar (Erasmus) “Trade Protection along Supply Chains” (with Chad Bown, Paola Conconi, and Lorenzo Trimarchi)

17:50 – 18:05           Break

18:05 – 18:40            Claudia Steinwender (MIT) “All Aboard: The Aggregate Effects of Port Development” (with César Ducruet, Réka Juhász, and Dávid Nagy)

18:40 – 19:15           Nitya Pandalai-Nayar (Texas, Austin) “The Long and Short (Run) of Trade Elasticities” (with Christoph Boehm and Andrei Levchenko)

19:15 – 19:20           Closure

19:20 – …                 Informal meetings/drinks