FIW-Workshop 'Women in International Economics' (online) | 07.03.2022
FIW-Workshop 'Women in International Economics'
Time: 7th of March, 2022, 13:00 – 16:00 (CET)
Venue: Online-Webinar - Zoom
13:00 Opening Remarks and Moderation
Elisabeth Christen (WIFO)
13:05 Award Ceremony
Ingrid Kubin (WU Vienna)
Cynthia Zimmermann (BMDW)
Prize for Women in Economic Research in honor of the Winners of the
FIW Award for PhD Theses in International Economics
13:15 -13:45
Katharina Bergant (IMF)
Dampening Global Financial Shocks: Can Macroprudential Regulation Help (More than Capital Controls)?
13:45 -14:15
Martina Neuländtner (AIT)
The geography of innovation, knowledge creation and networks
14:15 -14:45
Julia Grübler (WTO)
Trade as a means to a happy end
14:45 -15:00 Break
15:00 -16:00 Keynote Lecture and Discussion
Birgit Niessner (OeNB)
Two steps forward, one step back
16:00 End of Workshop