FIW-Workshop 'Firms and Workers in the Global Economy' | 22-23.09.2022

The Johannes Kepler University Linz and the Competence Center "Research Focus International Economics" cordially invite you to the next FIW Workshop on "Firms and Workers in the Global Economy".

Attendance is free of charge. The Workshop will be held in English language.


Firms and Workers in the Global Economy

Time:              September 22-23, 2022

Location:       Johannes Kepler University Linz

Altenbergerstrasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria

We kindly ask for registration:


Day 1  Thursday September 22

10:45  Opening Remarks
           Harald Oberhofer (Wifo, WU); Michael Irlacher (JKU)

11:00  Session I – Chair: Michael Irlacher

· 11:00-11:45: Inga Heiland (U Kiel / IfW Kiel)
Trade from Space: Shipping Networks and the Global Implications of Local Shocks

· 11:45-12:30: Lei Li (U Mannheim)
Skill-Biased Imports, Human Capital Accumulation, and the Allocation of Talent

12:30   Lunch Break

13:45  Session II – Chair: Harald Oberhofer

· 13:45-14:30: Michael Koch (U Aarhus)
Multiproduct Mergers and the Product Mix in Domestic and Foreign Markets

· 14:30-15:15: Mathieu Parenti (ULB)
Profit Shifting Frictions and the Geography of Multinational Production

15:15   Coffee

15:45  Session III – Chair: Harald Oberhofer

· 15:45-16:30: Katharina Erhardt (HHU Düsseldorf / DICE)
Winners and Losers of the 2015 Swiss Exchange Rate Shock: Unveiling Heterogeneous Worker Responses

· 16:30-17:15: Wolfgang Dauth (IAB / U Bamberg)
Transforming Institutions: Labor Reallocation and Wage Growth in a Reunified Germany

Day 2  Friday September 23

09:00  Session IV – Chair: Karin Mayr-Dorn

· 09:00-09:45: Birgit Meyer (Wifo)
Innovation, Upgrading and the Depth of Internationalization

· 09:45-10:30: Lisandra Flach (ifo)
Robotizing to Compete: Evidence from the Eastern European Enlargement

10:30   Coffee

11:00  Session V – Chair: Michael Irlacher

· 11:00-11:45: Frank Pisch (TU Darmstadt)
Managing Export Complexity: The Role of Service Outsourcing

· 11:45-12:30: Johannes Boehm (Sciences Po)
Growth and the Fragmentation of Production

12:30   Closure